How the VIN-MARK Product works!
The VIN-MARK system utilizes proven state of the art technology to ensure that the vehicle and its parts will be permanently marked with its vehicle identification number. The VIN-MARK migrating gel has been developed utilizing phosphorescent technology to prevent the theft of auto parts. Removal of the imbedded application is exceptionally difficult and impossible to completely remove.
Once the patented migrating gel is applied to the surface it takes only twenty-four hours for the application to be completely cured. Parts that have the VIN-MARK system will always be marked and will only be visible by ultraviolet light.

Why VIN-MARK Should be on your vehicle
- Part Marking is a proven theft deterrent against the professional thief.
- Professional thieves steal vehicles to sell them for a profit. A typical stolen vehicle is worth 3 – 4 times its total value when sold in parts.
- A professional thief will therefore pass up the marked vehicle and steal an un-marked vehicle instead. Remember, to a professional thief vehicle theft is a profitable business. Chop shops won’t buy marked vehicles stolen by an amateur or careless “pro”. A marked vehicle is just not worth the risk.
- According to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) “the objective of parts marking is to allow law enforcement agencies to identify stolen vehicles or parts removed from stolen vehicles – and to deter professional thieves since they will have difficulty in marketing stolen marked parts and are more likely to get caught if they steal cars with marked parts”.
- In a report to Congress, the NHTSA concluded that “Cars with marked parts had lower theft rates than expected, while those with unmarked parts had higher rates than expected”.
Why VIN-MARK is proven to work!
Removal of the imbedded application is exceptionally difficult and impossible to completely remove. In order for a professional thief to attempt to remove the VINMARK on any body part they would have to perform the following steps. First they would have to start by removing the clear coat, Second they would have to remove the layers of paint, Third they would have to attempt to remove the VINMARK from the primer and finally they would have to grind down the part to the bare metal which would be the fourth step. This four step process would still not completely remove the VINMARK. This is why it would be worthless to the professional thief and the “chop shop”..